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Jun 16, 2017 Linden rated it really liked it
He's gotten criticism for his TV show, but Dr. Oz's book is really well-written and user-friendly (compared to the other new food book by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Food Genocide, whose title says it all). There are specific guidelines as to which foods, including seeds and nuts, to incorporate into the diet to address specific health conditions. The book also includes recipes which actually look achievable, a 21 day quick start plan, restaurant ordering suggestions, and appetizing color photos. Recommen He's gotten criticism for his TV show, but Dr. Oz's book is really well-written and user-friendly (compared to the other new food book by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Food Genocide, whose title says it all). There are specific guidelines as to which foods, including seeds and nuts, to incorporate into the diet to address specific health conditions. The book also includes recipes which actually look achievable, a 21 day quick start plan, restaurant ordering suggestions, and appetizing color photos. Recommended to anyone who is concerned about the impact of diet on health. ...more
Nov 09, 2017 Kara Thomas rated it it was amazing
So much good information about how the body and its different organs/parts work. I feel like I learned a lot and it made me want to take better care of myself. I don't feel like this book is a "diet" book, but more of a life style book. The foods and recipes are REAL foods not low fat, non-fat, fake, chemically foods a lot of "diet" books have. A good read if you are interested in health. So much good information about how the body and its different organs/parts work. I feel like I learned a lot and it made me want to take better care of myself. I don't feel like this book is a "diet" book, but more of a life style book. The foods and recipes are REAL foods not low fat, non-fat, fake, chemically foods a lot of "diet" books have. A good read if you are interested in health. ...more
Oh look at me! Says Dr Oz. I snack on mulberries, eat fish rich in Omega-3s served with quinoa for dinner, and consume exactly 1 oz. of 85% cacoa dark chocolate when my sweet tooth strikes. No, seriously. He has solid advice. Some great tips, tricks, and simple recipes. Building a new and improved Kroger Click List this evening!
Nov 13, 2017 Lynn Pribus rated it really liked it
Well, sorta read it. Mostly preaching to the choir since I've been mostly vegan for more than ten years. (I define any birthday cake as vegan; good thing since my BD was last Monday and I've had cupcakes and an official BD cake and more to come on Wednesday with still another celebration.)Big, heavy book with nearly endless pictures of healthy food in charming glossy illustrations. Bunch of recipes at the end.
One thing that caught my eye was the recommendation to fast for 12 hours most days. My
Well, sorta read it. Mostly preaching to the choir since I've been mostly vegan for more than ten years. (I define any birthday cake as vegan; good thing since my BD was last Monday and I've had cupcakes and an official BD cake and more to come on Wednesday with still another celebration.)Big, heavy book with nearly endless pictures of healthy food in charming glossy illustrations. Bunch of recipes at the end.
One thing that caught my eye was the recommendation to fast for 12 hours most days. My racquetball partner has been mentioning that almost weekly for quite a while. I do it sometimes, but I'm going to practice it a bit more faithfully. She says it's not only good for the body, but especially for the brain.
Why not? I always wonder about those who, once they are diagnosed with some awful disease, suddenly decide to eat right, to exercise, to sleep well. My philosophy is: Why wait?????
Dec 31, 2018 KATHY rated it really liked it
What I like most about this book is that Dr. Oz give food fixes for certain conditions, such as low immunity, skin and hair, heart, bad mood, and others. He also has a section on weight loss. The book also has a chapter each for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It has great pictures of the food and recipes, and his explanations are simple. It is easy to read and helpful.
Very informative book This t book has a lot of good information. I learned a lot reading it. I will definitely use some of the recipes. Some of the recommendations seem a little intimidating though. I don't think I will ever substitute a tofu steak for a real steak. Other than that I'm glad I really took the time and read this book and I will definitely refer to it in the future.
Very informative book This t book has a lot of good information. I learned a lot reading it. I will definitely use some of the recipes. Some of the recommendations seem a little intimidating though. I don't think I will ever substitute a tofu steak for a real steak. Other than that I'm glad I really took the time and read this book and I will definitely refer to it in the future.
I loved everything about this book. I found it to be very well-written with lots of pictures, recipes, stories, and facts about the American diet and how to make changes in order to improve your health. There is a 21-day menu plan included that can help you achieve your goals and become adjusted to a new style of eating as well as a 3-Day Fix It Cleanse. There are so many great ideas and information packed into this beautiful book. I especially enjoyed reading about Dr. Oz's eating habits when h I loved everything about this book. I found it to be very well-written with lots of pictures, recipes, stories, and facts about the American diet and how to make changes in order to improve your health. There is a 21-day menu plan included that can help you achieve your goals and become adjusted to a new style of eating as well as a 3-Day Fix It Cleanse. There are so many great ideas and information packed into this beautiful book. I especially enjoyed reading about Dr. Oz's eating habits when he went to medical school and how his wife Lisa helped him become a healthier person. I can't wait to try Lisa's Tide-you-over Veggie Broth. I learned a lot and plan to incorporate much of the advice into my own life. Very pleasantly surprised with this book!! ...more
Feb 10, 2018 outdoortype rated it really liked it
A method for rebooting your nutrition through a 21-Day plan followed by many ideas for developing an on-going nutritional plan for yourself. Much of the plan involves eating more veggies, avoiding sugar, cooking your own food, and adding flavours through herbs and spices. It's not a standard "diet": it's about changing your own relationship with food. There are lots of great recipes and a few not so good. There's also a lot of food preparation tips. There are short chapters on "food fixes" for d A method for rebooting your nutrition through a 21-Day plan followed by many ideas for developing an on-going nutritional plan for yourself. Much of the plan involves eating more veggies, avoiding sugar, cooking your own food, and adding flavours through herbs and spices. It's not a standard "diet": it's about changing your own relationship with food. There are lots of great recipes and a few not so good. There's also a lot of food preparation tips. There are short chapters on "food fixes" for different issues like fatigue, the heart, and weight loss which were all a good read. Whether studies quoted are the most relevant, I'm not sure but it's not about any specific pills or herbs - it's about real food. There's also a 3-Day Cleanse with smaller meals. If you like Dr. Oz and are ready to make a change towards healthy eating, I highly recommend this book. It's been a fabulous starting point for me. I completed the 3-Day Cleanse followed by the 21-Day Plan paired with a daily walk and some daily exercise. I've lost weight and I feel trimmer. I've moved on to new cookbooks and new foods. I feel set for a new healthier life.
If you were going to go with the 21-Day Plan, I'd recommend: reading the book first; buying the foods needed; having lots of measuring spoons and measuring cups on hand; having some extra time to spend on food prep; and if possible have anyone in your household onboard and if you live alone, trying to pair up with someone to share the planning, shopping, prepping, cooking, clean-up and success.
This is my favorite Dr Oz book so far... it has a wealth of information used to help combat aging and just become more healthy. Gives you the correlation on LDL and cholesterol levels in a basic approach. Array of information that is broken down in an easy to understand way. What did I like? I tried three of the recipes already and they were amazing! The quinoa stuff tomatoes....amazing! Eggs with black beans for breakfast... who knew how full I'd feel, and I have never had black beans for brea
This is my favorite Dr Oz book so far... it has a wealth of information used to help combat aging and just become more healthy. Gives you the correlation on LDL and cholesterol levels in a basic approach. Array of information that is broken down in an easy to understand way. What did I like? I tried three of the recipes already and they were amazing! The quinoa stuff tomatoes....amazing! Eggs with black beans for breakfast... who knew how full I'd feel, and I have never had black beans for breakfast. Then I tried the fruit and yogurt mix which turned out great.
Would I recommend or buy? I bought a copy and I thought it was worth the money. Dr Oz books are hit and miss but this one for me was a hit. Great information and tips.
Pretty good book. Lots of information presented in an easily understood manner with a sprinkling of humor. Looks promising. The diet consists of real food without any chemical substitutions. I would have preferred food swaps or substitutions for foods I don't like instead of a "try it you might like it" since I'm fairly adventurous when it comes to food. However there are those things I simply don't like such as salmon (unless it's smoked which isn't so healthy), olives and mushrooms. There are Pretty good book. Lots of information presented in an easily understood manner with a sprinkling of humor. Looks promising. The diet consists of real food without any chemical substitutions. I would have preferred food swaps or substitutions for foods I don't like instead of a "try it you might like it" since I'm fairly adventurous when it comes to food. However there are those things I simply don't like such as salmon (unless it's smoked which isn't so healthy), olives and mushrooms. There are foods I tolerate in name of healthy eating such as kale and others I won't even taste. That said this is a doable diet for the short term. Not so much for the long term. ...more
Jan 23, 2018 Hope rated it liked it
The title is a bit misleading since there is no radical solution to healthy eating offered in this book. Instead Dr. Oz promotes a daily diet high in fruits, veggies, protein and healthy fats, with moderate amounts of good carbs and red meat and almost no sugar. He includes a 21-day meal plan to jump start your healthy eating habits.It's mostly common sense, but he's like a cheerleader, convincing you that you can do it. I appreciated many of his suggestions and copied down several recipes to tr
The title is a bit misleading since there is no radical solution to healthy eating offered in this book. Instead Dr. Oz promotes a daily diet high in fruits, veggies, protein and healthy fats, with moderate amounts of good carbs and red meat and almost no sugar. He includes a 21-day meal plan to jump start your healthy eating habits.It's mostly common sense, but he's like a cheerleader, convincing you that you can do it. I appreciated many of his suggestions and copied down several recipes to try.
The author goes through great lengths to convince the reader that a mostly plant-based diet will have dramatically positive effects. This is good news as so many new studies are revealing just that. What is a bit confusing is that Dr. Oz reiterates over and over how beneficial a plant-based diet is and then in almost the same sentence mentiones putting chicken on top of your salad or sandwhich. In so doing he makes no sense and contradicts himself. Although overall the importance of the plant-ba The author goes through great lengths to convince the reader that a mostly plant-based diet will have dramatically positive effects. This is good news as so many new studies are revealing just that. What is a bit confusing is that Dr. Oz reiterates over and over how beneficial a plant-based diet is and then in almost the same sentence mentiones putting chicken on top of your salad or sandwhich. In so doing he makes no sense and contradicts himself. Although overall the importance of the plant-based diet probably still comes across to the reader. ...more
great informative reference that lists specific foods for specific targets-- better memory, better heart health, better moods, weight loss, etc. written in a warm, congenial manner that truly fits the Oprah crowd that Columbia University professor Dr Mehmet Oz first became popular in. it made me realize how neglectful i'd been of healthy eating and its preeminence for first-rate functioning in day-to-day life. great informative reference that lists specific foods for specific targets-- better memory, better heart health, better moods, weight loss, etc. written in a warm, congenial manner that truly fits the Oprah crowd that Columbia University professor Dr Mehmet Oz first became popular in. it made me realize how neglectful i'd been of healthy eating and its preeminence for first-rate functioning in day-to-day life. ...more
Sep 10, 2019 Laura rated it really liked it
A helpful resources to learn about various foods and how they can help the body. It is a great tool if you have particular health needs you want to address, as he breaks it down into specific goals you may want to reach with the foods you eat. I particularly liked the recipes he supplied, which can be easily used to alter your diet. I generally have mixed feelings about Oz, which is why I rated it 4/5 stars.
Dec 27, 2020 Rosa Elena rated it really liked it
This was a nutrition book that I got real value from. I have read others before, but none really break down how food works with your body like this one. I learned a lot (especially about what I should not be eating lol). Not going to follow the 21- day plan, but I am going to slowly incorporate more FIXES foods in my diet with more focus on the super foods. Great read.
May 25, 2021 Anna Lyon rated it really liked it
Nothing earth-shaking here. It's fairly basic nutrition guidance. It's nice to have reminders for common-sense eating practices, though.
I downloaded it on my Nook so the recipes are difficult to access. If you think you might want to try the recipes, about half the book, you probably should buy a hard copy of the book. Nothing earth-shaking here. It's fairly basic nutrition guidance. It's nice to have reminders for common-sense eating practices, though.
I downloaded it on my Nook so the recipes are difficult to access. If you think you might want to try the recipes, about half the book, you probably should buy a hard copy of the book. ...more
Apr 01, 2018 Andrea rated it it was amazing
Just the book I was looking for. I am halfway through the 21 day plan and loving all of it. So easy and fulfilling, trying new foods and eating more healthily. Losing weight is a bonus! This information is something I can live by.
Jun 03, 2018 Susan rated it liked it
Maybe stuff you already know, but way better written than other books saying the same thing. Plus hearing it read by the author makes all the difference. I lost 20 pounds by following one of his past books, so I trust Dr. Oz. His advice just makes sense.
Nothing new here. Most of the recipes I already know or make a little differently. Found a few new salad dressing recipes and another smoothie recipe but other than that it isn't anything new. Glad I didn't buy this book. Nothing new here. Most of the recipes I already know or make a little differently. Found a few new salad dressing recipes and another smoothie recipe but other than that it isn't anything new. Glad I didn't buy this book. ...more
Jan 07, 2021 Cheryl rated it really liked it
Very good book about various health issues. Dr. Oz includes stories from his TV show. His suggestions are sensible ones to help one solve various issues like weight loss, heart and stomach problems. The book includes a 21 day diet plan with recipes of healthy foods.
Oct 10, 2017 Natasha rated it it was amazing
Dr. Oz's book is really well-written and user-friendly with easy tips and recipes.
3 and 1/2 stars🌟 Love Dr Oz💙
Lots of good, clear advice, with understandable explanations. Also includes easy and quick recipes.
I found this book very informative. Will defenently be taking away some food knowledge even if i don't do the whole 21 day plan thing. I found this book very informative. Will defenently be taking away some food knowledge even if i don't do the whole 21 day plan thing. ...more
Common sense advice, appreciate the simple recipes and easy changes to make in your diet.
Feb 07, 2018 Marie rated it it was amazing
Filled with great recipes and healthy advice!
Feb 19, 2018 Bree rated it it was ok
Mediterranean diet
gorgeous colorful book
maybe food can help, but there is a lot it cannot fix
Feb 27, 2018 Cindy rated it really liked it
Dr. Oz has an entertaining way of writing and an easy way of explaining things. His book was full of good advice, good ideas for healthful eating, and it was actually enjoyable to read.
Mehmet Cengiz Oz, best known as Dr. Oz, is a Turkish-American cardiothoracic surgeon, author, and host and commentator for the syndicated daily television program focusing on medical issues/personal health, The Dr. Oz Show.Oz first appeared on the The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2004, and later on Larry King Live and other TV programs. In 2009, Winfrey's Harpo Productions and Sony Pictures launched The
Mehmet Cengiz Oz, best known as Dr. Oz, is a Turkish-American cardiothoracic surgeon, author, and host and commentator for the syndicated daily television program focusing on medical issues/personal health, The Dr. Oz Show.Oz first appeared on the The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2004, and later on Larry King Live and other TV programs. In 2009, Winfrey's Harpo Productions and Sony Pictures launched The Dr. Oz Show.
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21 Day Diet Fix Dr Oz
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