How to Export Video in a Smaller File Size in Premiere Pro

  • Video and audio compression guidelines
  • Exporting from Final Cut
  • Exporting from Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Transcoding and exporting from Compressor
  • Exporting from iMovie
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • HandBrake

Exporting from Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is a popular video editing program and can be used to prepare your video for upload to Vimeo. We encourage you to see Adobe's export tutorial here.

Please note that while these instructions walk through Adobe's export settings, they also follow our compression guidelines and may not contain the newest options or navigational steps as Adobe adds features to their software.

  1. Highlight your final sequence and go to File > Export > Media…
  2. Under "Export Settings," select the following options:
    Match Sequence Settings
    Leave blank
    Output Name
    Click the output name to edit output filename and destination (if desired).
    Export Video
    Export Audio
    Checked (if audio is present in your video).
  3. Under the "Effects" tab, select the following options:
    Lumetri Look / LUT
    Imagine Overlay
    Name Overlay
    Timecode Overlay
  4. Under the "Video" tab, click the button that says "Match Source." This should set your export to match your original source video's settings.
  5. Check the following settings and make any necessary adjustments (note: you can edit any of these settings by unchecking the box to the right of each setting):
    Basic Video Settings
    Width / Height

    Vimeo uses some unique calculations to determine the available playback qualities for your video. Read More.

    Choose your source file's original width and height. If you wish to export your video at a smaller frame size, edit these values. If you aren't sure, leave them as-is.
    Frame Rate

    There are some situations where you'll want to choose a frame rate different from the source:

    If your frame rate is higher than 60 FPS: Choose a factor of your frame rate that is between 15-60 FPS. For example, if your frame rate is 100 FPS, choose 50 FPS.

    If your frame rate is lower than 15 FPS: Choose a multiple of your frame rate that is between 15-30 FPS. For example, if your frame rate is 8 FPS, choose 16 FPS.

    If you upload a frame rate that is higher than 60 FPS or lower than 15 FPS, Vimeo will automatically adjust the frame rate for you — but we can't guarantee the results will be as expected. It's best to do the conversion on your end prior to uploading.

    Choose your source file's original frame rate. (This should be the default value if you clicked "Match Source.")
    Field Order
    Square Pixels (1.0)
    TV Standard
    Leave as-is.
    For HD footage, choose High. For SD footage, choose Main.
    Render at Maximum Depth
    Bitrate Settings
    Bitrate Encoding
    Choosing "VBR, 1 pass" will speed up your export, at the cost of some quality. Never choose CBR.
    VBR, 2 pass
    Target Bitrate [Mbps]

    These target bitrates are suggested for average video files. If your video contains below average visual complexity (such as a slideshow presentation), choose a lower target bitrate. If your video contains above average visual complexity (such as a video with high levels of grain), increase the target bitrate.

    Remember: Lower data rates lead to smaller file sizes and faster uploads! Experiment to pick the lowest data rate that yields acceptable image quality.

    SD — 2-5

    720p — 5-10

    1080p — 10-20

    2K — 20-30

    4K — 30-60

    Maximum Bitrate (Mbps)

    These maximum bitrates are suggested for average video files. If your video contains below average visual complexity (such as a slideshow presentation), choose a lower maximum bitrate. If your video contains above average visual complexity (such as a video with high levels of grain), increase the maximum bitrate.

    Remember: Lower data rates lead to smaller file sizes and faster uploads! Experiment to pick the lowest data rate that yields acceptable image quality.

    SD — 2-5

    720p — 5-10

    1080p — 10-20

    2K — 20-30

    4K — 30-60

    Advanced Settings
    Key Frame Distance
  6. Under the "Audio" tab, select the following options:
    Audio Format Settings
    Audio Format
    Basic Audio Settings
    Audio Codec
    Sample Rate
    48000 Hz
    Parametric Stereo
    Audio Quality
    Bitrate Settings
    Bitrate [kbps]
    Advanced Settings
    Sample Rate
  7. Under the "Multiplexer" tab, select the following options:
    Basic Settings
    Stream Compatibility
  8. You can ignore all the settings under the "Captions" tab.
  9. At the bottom of the export menu, select the following options:
    Use Maximum Render Quality
    Use Frame Blending
    Use Previews
    Import into project
  10. Note the Estimated File Size and make sure you have adequate quota space to upload this video. Basic users are limited to 500MB per week (and 5GB total storage), Plus users are limited to 5GB per week, PRO users are limited to 20GB per week, Vimeo Business users are limited to 5TB total account storage, and Vimeo Premium users are limited to 7TB total account storage. You can check how much quota space you have remaining here.
  11. Double-check all your settings, then click "Export." The export process will begin.
  12. View your finished, compressed file to make sure it looks and sounds correct — then upload it to Vimeo! Questions about uploading?

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How to Export Video in a Smaller File Size in Premiere Pro


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