How to Draw a Unicorn - Step by Step Instructions

Unicorns accept enjoyed dandy popularity for a long time. Originally the mythical brute was the star in the comic moving-picture show "The Final Unicorn", today it is a symbol for the good, noble and energetic. We will evidence you how to draw a unicorn footstep by stride in the guide below. You will likewise find some unicorn drawing piece of cake pictures here as inspiration for your own drawings.

Table of Content

  • i The Ever Pop Unicorn Trend
  • 2 Unicorn Features and Abilities
  • iii Unicorn Cartoon Piece of cake Guide – The Head
    • three.1 Step 1 – Draw the Basic Shape of the Head
    • 3.2 Footstep 2 – The Unicorn Gets a Pony and a Horn
    • 3.3 Step 3 – How to Draw Unicorn Tails
    • three.4 Step 4 – The Unicorn Cartoon Gets its Color
    • 3.5 More Variations of Unicorns in Comic Style
  • 4 How to Draw a Unicorn for Advanced Artists
  • v Unicorn Drawing – Templates and Ideas

The Ever Pop Unicorn Trend

Talking about a tendency is an outdated concept here because the unicorn has established itself as a long-standing figure. Especially among female fans, it stands for being girlish and innocent. Unicorns stand for the positive and proficient, with which many people can identify. So we volition presume that we will continue to see many drawn unicorns in the future. Read on for our how to draw a unicorn like shooting fish in a barrel guide.

Unicorn Features and Abilities

The unicorn is characterized past its elegance. Information technology is usually a noble and proud horse-like creature with a flowing mane, which has a straight, sinuous horn in the middle of its forehead. Magic abilities are attributed to this horn.

It is said that a touch with a unicorn horn can heal sick people from their diseases. The tears of the unicorn are said to dissolve petrifactions and bring the dead back to life. Drinking the blood of a unicorn is said to make ane immortal. However, hither nosotros dedicate ourselves to the comic-like depiction of unicorns, where it is much easier to draw the animal.

Unicorn Drawing Piece of cake Guide – The Head

Since the unicorn is almost exclusively drawn as a comic figure, there are countless possibilities to draw these mythical creatures. We simply beginning with a unicorn head, which we decorate and design accordingly. The whole thing can be combined very well with manus-lettering writing. Below nosotros will take a await at the first arroyo on how to draw a unicorn, including some cute unicorn drawings.

Step 1 – Draw the Basic Shape of the Caput

Nosotros volition kickoff with the simple caput shape. For this, we first draw the head, followed by the ears and the neck. Then add the nostrils, the mouth, and the eyes. Optionally, you can draw a flower on the ear for very cute unicorn drawings.

how to draw a unicorn step by step

Step 2 – The Unicorn Gets a Pony and a Horn

A unicorn is zippo without its horn. That'due south why nosotros add a twisted horn that sticks out from backside the pony. You lot can describe the pony squeamish and wild. In order to pigment the whole thing easily afterward, we do not describe the single hairs of the pony, but the outlines. After all, information technology is a comic unicorn.

unicorn drawing

Step iii – How to Draw Unicorn Tails

In our example, the tail is a very important chemical element that hides the transition to the trunk. It can be drawn very undulating and exaggerated. Again, we draw the contours, so that nosotros tin color and paint the whole thing afterward.

unicorn drawings

Step 4 – The Unicorn Drawing Gets its Color

Finally, you tin can add some colors to the unicorn – in this case, we used dainty pastel shades. You tin utilise either colored pencils, pastel pencils, or watercolors. Another possibility is to color it digitally with a tablet, which is what was washed in this example. Et voilĂ , we accept just painted our showtime unicorn head.

how to draw a unicorn

More Variations of Unicorns in Comic Way

Based on our instructions you can further vary the whole thing and draw your very own unicorns. Once you lot've learned the basics, it'southward really easy. Hither is an example of a unicorn moving picture where the approach was very similar. Learning how to draw unicorn styles differently is always fun.

cute unicorn drawings

How to Draw a Unicorn for Advanced Artists

Once you have internalized the basic technique, you tin can combine what y'all have learned with the Zentangle technique, for example, and plough your cartoon into a existent masterpiece.

how to draw unicorn

Unicorn Drawing – Templates and Ideas

If you are looking for further inspiration and unicorn designs, we recommend taking a look at coloring pictures. You can utilize them as fantabulous painting templates and sources of inspiration. We take compiled the best unicorn coloring pictures in a split up article.

If you wanted to know how to draw a unicorn step past step, then the guide in a higher place should take covered everything yous wanted to find out. Unicorn drawing is fun for everyone, and knowing how to depict these creatures tin be fun for kids or help adults to grow as artists. We hope that this quick guide on unicorn drawings has helped to inspire you!


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