Best Way to Get Black Pearls in Ark

In the video game ARK: Survival Evolved gamers from all over the world face off against each other to win the battle for survival. They are trained in the art of survival to beat their opponents in this game that these years has been the favorite of many.

The ways of developing tools are very varied and come in tiers, but two main components are usually present in recipes: the white pearls and the black pearls. If you want to know what they are, and where to get many of these, read on.

What is ARK: Survival Evolved and what does it consist of?

ARK: Survival Evolved is one of the most popular video games interesting and entertaining of today. It was developed in 2015 by several virtual game companies and since then it has become viral for the entertainment it offers.

Consists in the art of surviving, and this includes many activities that can be done from a first and third person angle. It is about finding a way not to be predated or killed by natural phenomena, dinosaur attacks and opponents who are other users.

You have to resort to any natural object and gadget who is on the road, looking for it or not, to achieve the task of surviving in the face of all the adversities that arise, and all the mishaps that arise from the opponents of the game.

white pearls from survival evolved ark

With the materials that are obtained, it is possible to craft tools and weapons to use on the road; make utensils that can be used for swimming, tools that allow you to do a certain type of activity better; weapons to defend yourself; everything and more, with specified recipes that you must learn if you want to survive and level up constantly.

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What are black or white pearls in ARK: Survival Evolved and what are they for?

Among the materials or raw materials that you can use for the manufacture or manufacture of certain tools that you can use on your way of survival, there are the well-known black pearls and white pearls of the game, they turn out to be an essential requirement in the production of the immense variety of objects and utensils to be produced by the player.

These pearls, as you can imagine, are very necessary resources that you can get in the game environment, and they are in different niches or habitats. They look like balls or balls and there are of two types: black and white pearls.

Pearls play a very important role in mastering technique within the game. They serve for the construction of multiple things, all varied, and for that the recipes that are steps and materials are used, in addition to the pearls, that you must use for the elaboration of a certain weapon or tool, such as swim fins or a fishing rod.

Pearls have a characteristic constitution, and these are elements of matter that are abundant in certain types of habitats. In the case of white pearls, it can be said that their composition is silica based. It should be noted that resources are used to produce silicon plates that will serve in the production of all possible things to build with them.

How to get a lot of white or black pearls playing ARK: Survival Evolved?

As mentioned previously, this type of resources within the game is achieved in various environments, either in specific habitats or in the surrounding environment where it is transited while surviving.

black pearls from survival evolved ark

A common means by which white or black pearls can be obtained when playing ARK: Survival Evolved, is the slaughter of certain creatures that can appear during the game. These creatures are usually dinosaurs, and their various types, or ancient insect species that like dinosaurs, they are now extinct.

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An example of these sources of pearls is seen when killing, for example, trilobites, which are found along the way; the ammonites found in coastal environments; lurking eurypterids; and in the product of other activities that you can carry out such as fishing, through the use of the fishing rod previously made. You will find these and many more sources to obtain these precious pearls.

Best Way to Get Black Pearls in Ark


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